Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thoughts on the "emergent church" and Truth in Labeling

     For the last several years I have watched thoughtfully and, mostly quietly, as the so called 'emergent church movement' has caused ripples, then waves, even a few swells in the evangelical church in American--some in other parts of the world. I'm pushing 50 now so I've been around long enough to have seen the trends in pop cultural Christianity rise and fall with the skirt hems of the teeny boppers of our day. End times stuff has gone in and out of fashion. spiritual battle, in and out. health/wealth gospel still in, should be get the picture.
      There is a lot about the mode and the mood of the emergent church movement that is refreshing. It's energy, sincerity, innovation, inclusivity, and youthful go-getterness. I also appreciate the impact some of its speakers and videographers have had on my some of my older children. It definitely speaks in the vernacular of our day. One of the videos about the feminine images of God in Scripture even seems lifted, line by line and verse by verse, from a talk I have been giving since 1991 (make no mistake, I'm sure it is not:). All truth is God's truth and the Bible is God's word.
     So what is my deal? Do I even have a 'deal'? I don't know. Well, I guess I do have a 'deal' but it's not the sort of deal that you'd think someone like me would have. I have a 'truth in labeling deal'. I like to know what's in the stuff I eat and if it's not "maple syrup" it should say "artificially flavored high fructose corn syrup" on the label.  That's right--that's my deal with the emergent church. It's just not true. It's not "emergent" at all--and it's not a "church".
     I think that when we talk about spiritual things and God things and Jesus things we should speak the truth in love and if we are going to call something by a name it should, indeed, BE  that which it represents--"emergent and church".
    We could sit and split theological hairs until we had our panties all up in a wad and all turn blue for lack of oxygen about the theology. Come to think of it, I think many of us in the church have. I think it's time to collectively breathe. For my part, after at least 10 years of observing and even being at least a small part of this movement here are my very humble thoughts:
     First, my background. My Roman Catholic heritage informs my thinking. This movement looks very familiar to me. I grew up in the Archdiocese of Detroit attending St. Aiden’s Parish in Livonia, MI. My priest at the time is now the Archbishop of Seattle, Fr. Alex J. Brunett. And I was confirmed in the faith by none other than Bishop Tomas Gumbleton. Google them. Interesting folks of historical import.  I'll come back to this in a moment.
         That is why I know this stuff is not new. This is not “emergent”. This is not a sweeping movement ushering in a great change in church history. Sure there are ebbs and flows in the tides of pop cultural christianity all the time. Those of us who have been around long enough are sea sick from the roller coaster ride of expansion and contraction as old ideas are passed off as new again  and again as yet another generation or another denomination tosses them about as new and radical ad nauseam . Whether or not the idea is meritorious in and of itself, at least properly acknowledge the historical moorings of these ideas (or “theologies/anthropologies”) and give credit where credit is due. We all stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, for better or for worse. We must think deeply,research thoroughly, beyond just our immediate point in history and cultural subgroup before we form our world view and then try to mass market it to others.
    The reason it  looks familiar to me is because….it is!  Strikingly so.  I've listened respectfully and carefully to the sermons, read the books. The "emergent church" is  simply Vatican II for Protestants.  Oh, yeah, five decade later!  Oh my goodness, fellas. Go get the docs. Read them. I did, in their entirety. Once when I was a sophomore in high school and then once more when I was a sophomore in College before I decided to leave the church for a more Biblically-centered faith tradition. I’ve heard you talking to each to other. I know you are sincere… you really are. But look up just a minute. 

         See yourselves and your thinking in the light of eternity and the eternal Word of God. Is there really a dichotomy between right thinking about God and right doing? Can't we have both?  Don't erect straw men. You know we can. Come on you guys:) For heaven's sake look at Amy Carmichael, Mary Slessor, Gladys Alyward, Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, Nate Saint. All gave their lives not only to share the saving grace of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but to also set the captives free of earthly suffering and shame as well. 
      But this movement also needs to be upfront with the rest of the evangelical church about their political intentions and affiliations. They should be honest and admit that the resulting theology is nothing other than “Liberation Theology” from way back–hmmm, let me see, well, come to think about it, I don’t know when, but it’s been around an awfully long time now. It was very popular in the '60's, pretty much the basis of the much older Jesuit movement. Which, you know it’s fine to be a Liberation theologian. Lots and lots of people are! They just need to say so and let people know with whom they hook up (like Sojourners, for instance, in some cases). I mean, come on…speak up. Just let the folks from whom you raise your money in our evangelical churches know what you stand for. You know,like the National Association of Evangelicals. You folks know you need them to fund you because that's where the money tell them the truth. Truth in labeling.
    So what of the "emergent church" as I see it? Well, frankly, I don't...see anything emergent (new or emerging--it's just Vatican II for protestants) and it's not a church.  I call it a case of the Emperor-has-No-Clothes. I'm for truth in labeling. Let's call it "Vatican II Lite for Protestants/Liberation Theology Movement" and I'd be totally fine with it. I like calling things what they are. 
       But what do I know…I’m just a mom to 11 kids who stays home, bakes cookies, homeschools,stood faithfully beside her husband for years in ministry, filled the drinks of students while they talked about God, barbequed all their hot dogs, picked up their trash when they were done and prayed for them by name. I guess I'll just go back to knitting Joey's sweater now <3 This is probably the part where they say women should be seen and not heard ;)

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life with an extrodinary little girl

While I will not share specifics here on this blog, I will say that Jesus has tenderly gifted us with a very special little girl named Betsy. She has taught us so many things about life, love, perseverance, faith, suffering, God, and what really matters in life. She has taught us to really treasure every single day, every moments we have together. A few months ago a local Raleigh magazine ran a story about one of the realities of her life...and of our lives as well. If you think of her...please pray. She's  doing much better then any of us could ever have imagined and continues to defy her doctors' expectations and explanations. Almost every time we get some horrible new about how she is supposed to be doing, she up and rallies and puts us all to shame. A lot of the time you would never know of her condition. She has Mitochondrial Disease Cox III Enzyme Deficiency Disorder. Look it up if you're really curious. Just DON'T share detail with her, please. We  are just going to love her to pieces as love as we have her. And that is the rest of the story.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hello, again...Hello

After over three years of total blogging silence, I have decided to dust off my pen and blow open the pages of my personal journal to friends and family once again.  Some may remember that I once had a xanga blog called Mommy of 10? I don't even know if it can be accessed anymore. If anyone can, let me know. But this is a new blog for a new time and a new life and a new reality.

Oh, somethings are and always will be the same.
 I do LOVE my sweet Jesus. I eagerly await the day when I will see him face to sweet shining face=)
I love His Word and thirst for it as I do for ice cold water.
I love my unbelievable one on this earth has ever been blessed with so precious a candelabra of bright shining lights around their table as me.
I love my calling...the undeniable beckoning from God to "follow Him, that He would make me a fisher of men."

I love big things like nature and streams and rivers, autumn and winter, mountains,Colorado, waterfalls, horses, Holmes County Ohio, rain-- thunderstorms,especially, the ocean, although it really scares me, too.
I love little things, also. Like knitting and sewing (especially baby things), baking(especially chocolate) and reading. I especially love reading to my children. I hope there is always someone to read to <3
I love pumpkin scones, harvest days, setting suns and rising moons. Gingerbread, chicken and dumplings, apple pie, homemade ice cream, fruit salad, real lemon-aid, ice tea, and CHOCOLATE anything!

I love important things like saving faith and the doctrine of grace. The lost who don't even know they are.
I love pastors and teachers and everyday people who tell the truth, without glamor or pretense or flash.
I love the unpackaged, no brand, make-up free stories of peoples' lives.
I loved feeling babies squirming in my belly, giving birth, nursing babies, wearing babies, everything about babies and children. Lots of you know I even really, honest to goodness, love potty-training. Even wrote 2 songs about it ;) And how many others can actually say they have successfully potty-trained 11 children? (Sorry I digress)
I love everything about being a mom---even the heart wrenching, heartbreaking stuff. Jesus is in it too.
I love the millions of children that nobody wants that break my heart.
I love being here. Now.

Some things have changed since I last told our happy little stories. We are all older, more interesting, the kids are more talented and beautiful then ever before.
      I don't know how many know but a couple years ago I started having seizures randomly. Some seizures were worse than others but I figured it was something to do with my lupus and the extremely stressful events that were going on in our lives at the time. Long story short: after the seizure's increasing strength and frequency + tests and hospitalizations, on Dec. 21, 2009 I finally ended up crashing the Jeep into a guardrail on a highway on the way home from an appointment. I had had 2 grand mal seizures at the wheel. I remember the window being smashed out by a huge flashlight before the fireman pulled me out of the car. I saw my husband running across 3 lanes of traffic only to be caught up into a waiting line of 3 firemen who held him back. It was unreal. It was like being in a scene from ER. I had 2 more seizures in the ambulance and 2 more in the hospital that night. I lost my driver's license and thus began yet another journey to find the magic cocktail of seizure meds that would bring my seizures under control.

There is so much more to tell. And please do NOT for one moment think that this is going to be a downer. Far far far far from it. My life, my story, my family, everything I have and don't have is a miracle from God.
There is so so much true, pure, joy in my heart--that no one can ever, ever take away me. And it's being added to daily--moment by moment, in fact!

In my old blog, that's probably where I would have signed off. With some chirpy little comment and a cute little wink. Always smiling--soldiering on :) But right here, right now, from this day forward, a few hours before my fortythmtnmtnmtnmtnmtnmtnmtnmtnntmntmnm birthday I want to honestly say that there is other stuff in my heart living beside joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, love, and all that good stuff. There's stuff like pain( real  physical pain--we call 'em 'owies')and other kinds of pain. There's disappointment, grief, hurt, abandonment, betrayal, sadness, and shame. And guess what? All of those things are in the Bible, too.
Those guys who were so great and everything in the Bible? They had some not so great things happen to them, too. But they glorified God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strengths.
And that's what I'm fixin' to do.

So, as for me, here I am, just as I am.
Real Life. Real People. At the Niemans.
<3 Lisa <3